Saturday, 22 June 2013

Coal stage and garage

Again a shockingly long gap since the last update.  Various things have progressed since the last update, a lot more is now wired and running and to break from burning my fingers and the smell of solder I have made a start on some of the scenic basics.

I've started on a bridge and scenic bit over the scenic break which is also going to have a BMC dealer to the side.

Coupled to this is an embankment down to what will be the back of the engine shed area, which now has a small ramp to the coaling stage after a change of thought on the big mechanical (Hornby) one.  This one is a salvaged one from the L&W old 'OO' layout (20ish years ago) which seems to fit the size of the shed layout more.

Proper update to follow soon when I manage to do some better photos with the layout clear of 'rubbish'.

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