Friday, 16 September 2011

Tornado at Lincoln

So a bit of a change from 4mm/1ft to the real thing and Tornado on the Cathedrals Express at Lincoln on 15th September.  She was running about 30 mins late coming in then was held just outside the station for nearly 15 minutes!  Didn't give the people on the train long before heading back to Woking at 5pm (to arrive gone 11pm....).

Going to be seeing Tornado again on Sunday at Barrowhill - twice in one week!

Don't think Lincoln Central was ever designed for 13 Mk 1s either!

Tornado poking its nose out from the end of the station building

Reversing the stock into the storage line on the old route to Bardney and Boston

Other train movement while waiting for Tornado and an intrepid cat!


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